He has attended and lectured in seminars in Frankfurt, London, and Bucharest, on Geopolitics, Branding India, Hazard perception, and Perception management and Experiential Economy. (https://www.linkedin.com/in/kshirsagar-siddhartha-018a4178/) branding Africa and Women Empowerment in Crans Montana, www.cmf.ch, www.clubofports.org, www.africanwomenforum.org, www.newleaders-cransmontana.org.
In 2019, he delivered a speech in Geneva chapter of Crans Montana on Branding of Africa. He is actively involved in bridging relationship between Latin American Government and India as part of International Geographical Union academic exercise and also to help these countries take advantage of emerging India.
1. Curriculum Reform and opportunities, it offers for new business development. Delhi 1996
2. Role of attitude and emotional intelligence in Civil Services – Hyderabad 2001
3. Decentralized development of Steel Industry through Integration Agglomeration and use of bagasse. Noida, 2006
4. Sustainable Island Tourism, New approaches for Greece. Rhodes, 2007.
5. Changing location of aviation hub from Frankfurt of Dubai. Implications for a new aviation world and its attendant opportunities in Middle East. Frankfurt
6. Nationalism and national feelings are harbingers of a new market and brand evolution, INFOSYS, Bangalore 2009-10
7. Perception Management as an evolving discipline for brand promotion of concepts SP Jain Institute of Management, Mumbai 2012
8. Knowledge Mapping as a tool to take India towards a Vishva Guru status and the leverages that it will offer. Delhi School of Economics 2019
9. The Earth Science City and Knowledge Mapping as a tool to revolutionize earth science based models. 4th World Congress on Earth Science and Climate Change (Virtual) 2022